“Men in those days had convictions;
we moderns only have our opinions.”
Back then they stepped up, had it done;
today we simply have a say on our phone.

5G: The Good and The Bad?

By Kalu Aja via Twitter.

5G simply means you use your phone in Enugu, download an MBA class from Imperial College in 15 seconds, and watch. Also means a Doctor from San Francisco can set up a hospital in Katsina and via video instruct Nurses how to care for patients. Technology will not wait.

Imagine the possibilities. You small business owner can sit in Lekki and watch your shop sales in Kano, and Enugu via another simple cell phone, onetime, real time. You POS accepts digital payments and posts in seconds, your inventory linked via wireless to suppliers in India.

In 4 yrs, the world will hear of 6G Then folks will use their 5G video chat to conspire that 6G causes solar rays.

Now the fun really begin with the

So what’s your take?
Comment below please….