All that noisy, showy excitement;
that’s all displayed in merriment,
has prices beneath all that class;
it is pain filled pomp razzmatazz.


Once we were children playing with toys,
then became men but still remain as boys.
We look large, with bigger roles and talk,
yet our egos grew, turning play into work.


Time passed always returns;
in all nature time never stops.
Work walks and fun ever runs,
Good fruit is on the trees’ tops.

Most retirements are utopian
and lifetime toiling never ends.
Trees we plant, nurture in pain;
we will cut aged, when it offends.


My own world is hard as it is
and playing days I have none.
The strife to live is what it is,
all the fun is spent and gone.

Born to be all I can on earth;
livelihood doomed from birth.
What hope looks hurt and lost
as I work dust till I rest in dust.


There’s a thing about every action
That speaks for every perception
And it tells it’s own unique story
Consciously archived in memory

Any wretched tale of denial,
Of disdained failure and trial,
Will reveal as a dogged bout
Of one toughened life time,
All worn through but not out.


Not this push’s cure to be read,
Bought or however with all science.

Sought over but never had,
Thought never bore its conscience.

Brought ever near and sad,
Doubt never the lurking consequence.

Fought only to severe till mad,
Naught all to sever its laid sequence.

Caught ever, history has said.
Though ever pinches, it is all nonsense.

Stick to it

By Randy Baker

Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!

Seriously…it has been a long time since I have heard such BS…

A month ago, your “expert” business was doing fine…

You were providing solutions…
Fixing stuff…
Solving problems.

But today…not so good, right?

Things have changed…
Peoples problems have changed…

So the experts tell you to pivot…
To do something new.


If something doesn’t work…. Give up and try something else?

Why not just find a better way of doing what you are great at…
Especially when the cause of the change is not related to you – or your client?

Why stop doing what you are good at to try something else?

Here’s a better solution…

Your product and solution are probably still top notch…
But it is your messaging that is wrong in today’s world…

Fix your messaging to apply to tomorrows problems…

And deliver the solution you know will work…
Just like you always have…

And you will be in a great position in the future.

Don’t pivot… refocus, rebrand and rebuild with tomorrows needs in mind.

This is how The Core does it…

And now you can too.
The Core: Your answer to the pivot!

Let’s go.

The Cemetary — RampageThoughts

Rows of coffins erected semetrically…. this is where peace comes to die. Names etched in small plaques have been hung carelessly… the dead must be identified. Festering corpses… hollow shells of men whistle as the wind blows through cavities where dreams once dwelled. The world beyond these gates is bright and unmoved by what happens […]

via The Cemetary — RampageThoughts

Life Is Not Everything — Bipolar by cola

Life is not everything, a shadow of me, exists out there somewhere in the sea. Breath is not everything, a slight tense, is making the waking dream come sense. Light is not everything, the new dark comes, for the lonely soul who think he has won. Dark is not everything, light burns the night away […]

via Life Is Not Everything — Bipolar by cola

5 Year Anniversary Achievement
Happy 5th Anniversary with WordPress.com for YasNiger!!!!
YasNiger- “Witty Written Works” registered on WordPress.com 5 years ago Today.
Thanks to everyone for flying with me all this long while.
After 1,190 POSTS
After 33,566 VIEWS
After 11,290 VISITORS
After over 3,500 FOLLOWERS,

Exclusive — Eyes + Words

Written by Jacob Ibrag I don’t strive to be different. Those who desperately swim against the current usually find themselves out of breath and lack the will to break free above the surface. Think snowflakes, short lifespans carrying unique purpose. Each inherently obsolete and exclusive. No identity crisis, no contempt for each others progressions. Rare and perfect in their imperfections. I don’t care about […]

via Exclusive — Eyes + Words



The self-centered uncaring nature of the generality of people with advanced mental intellect is revealed in the way they treat their subdued and resignedly subjective subordinates, who are always less endowed. This unfeeling attitude is characterized with ignorant arrogance. It is too demanding to be civil and most certainly not effortless to be cruel.

There is always the need to be bias in being so, especially when treating or interacting with such perceived lesser persons. This is the case in every respect where there is identifiable superiority and inferiority, when physical disability is visible or intellectual disparity evident. Economic and social parallels, tribal and ancestral linage, religious and racial symbolism, and even age, form a basis for these perceptions.

The world breeds cheat in this way and it is so hard to tell who is true to their words or action.


To a mass we wore those frowns again,
Webbing lines on our brows with pain.
These insects spanned and trapped we are,
Drunken hulks with secular cheats we spar.

the poet in the poet

The poet in the poem



When the heard child laughs
Because he or she is yet to learn
That the human’s hate bathes
Itself with a very muddy hand.

When the grown up man
Looks another in the face
With the sympathy he can,
Yet his steps he retrace.

When the means so abound
And situations led are bred,
So that no bread is found
Or all the many needy fed.

When the minds of people
Work in a pattern so futile
To their every tiny single
Breath and existing smile.

When the scale is tilt
In favour of the weight
Of the gold and its guilt
Not honour at its height.

When the support falters,
For man chooses to urinate
In his salads and waters
On the earth he can’t imitate.

When all that exists
Speaks for the destination,
Then man opens all the exits
And runs out in damnation.

Collection of over 250 poems