I Would Sing the Dance of Fireflies


Closed eyes clasp the warm darkness,
Shutting out the silvery glow of the moon smile.
The cantata contest invade with its happiness,
Carrying all in the still air of the mating mile.

Oh how simple the peace of this revelry,
The mind and ears wonder the vastness of it all.
Clinging on sanity with man’s overt mystery,
Wishing all love melts into this dream so tall.

LIfe’s nAtural bOOk cRaft..

If I sang a song of Summer,

I would sing the dance of fireflies.

My lullaby would frolick across the winds,

Filling the hearts of bumble bees.

A cricket symphony of violins,

A deep bass of pond bullfrogs.

I would sing the dance of fireflies.

My lullaby would be of sunshine, of starshine.

The sound of lady and hummingbird wings.

If I sang a song of Summer,

We would make love by the light of the Moon.

(c) Saturday, 16 June 2012

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